Brooke Daigle

“It would be all too easy to sum up my birth experience in one word…Wonderful. From my first visit, to the birth of my beautiful daughter, Dr. Sarah was always there for me and my family.

Having had a hospital birth prior to my home birth, I was able to fully appreciate how great a home birth can be. Dr. Sarah spent twice as much time with you during appointments, and really gets to know you and your whole family. They don’t just hear what you want in a birth experience…They listen. I didn’t once have to remind them of the choices I’d made; As opposed to the hospital where, sad as it is, you have to fight to have a natural birth.

You can’t even imagine how wonderful it is to give birth and then just be with your family and new baby. I hadn’t even realized the amount of distractions that can take away from those first precious moments of life. Doctors, nurses, lab techs, repairs, checking vitals constantly, screaming women, screaming babies etc. Dr. Sarah did the checks that were necessary but mostly let us be a family and bond with our new baby. Now that I’ve done both, I want to have more babies just so I can have them at home with Dr. Sarah!!


Kate Brennan and Matt Schloboem


Kemi and Jeff Jadryev