At Northern Sun Family Healthcare, we provide comprehensive medical care for all ages. We offer regular check ups for the whole family, and incorporate conventional testing and treatment options with naturopathic medical care. We also provide complete midwifery care and continued medical care for mother and baby. 

Serving midcoast and southern Maine, we have worked with people from Rockland to Lewiston-Auburn, from Augusta to Portland, and beyond.


  • 24 hour on-call service for patients of Northern Sun

  • Complete adult and pediatric care

  • Physicals and exams

  • Natural birth at the Birth Center at Northern Sun

  • Natural birth at Home

  • Specializing in Waterbirths

  • Complete prenatal care

  • Complete newborn exams and screenings

  • Vaccinations & Homeoprophylaxis

  • Let’s Go Healthcare clinic

  • Lab work options discussed and individualized

  • On-site laboratory testing

  • On-site dispensary offering high quality nutritional and herbal supplements

  • Pap smear testing

  • Lyme Disease testing, lab interpretation, and treatment Weight loss treatment with nutritional support and HCG Contraception counseling including fertility awareness (natural family planning), femcap fittings, and hormonal methods

  • Craniosacral and naturopathic manipulation techniques

  • Mayan abdominal massage

  • Weight inclusive healthcare

  • Contraception counseling including fertility awareness (natural family planning), IUD insertion/removal, and hormonal methods


Laboratory testing is an important tool that allows the practitioner to evaluate a patient’s state of health. These diagnostic approaches allow us to look deeply into how the body manifests illness. We use

local laboratory services as well as specialty laboratories around the country that may focus on more unique conditions such as food allergies, Lyme disease and co-infection diagnosis, and evaluation of hormonal or neurotransmitter production.

Some tests are collected in the office, while others can be completed in the home and mailed directly to the laboratory where it will be processed and the results sent to our office for interpretation. Analysis and discussion of lab results is an integral part of the care our doctors provide, to ensure complete understanding to aid in the innate healing ability of the body.


Due to our concern with issues regarding quality ingredients used in the manufacturing of supplements, we provide a full line of botanical and nutritional products that are carefully chosen and researched by our doctors.

At Northern Sun we are committed to using the highest quality, organically grown or wildcrafted herbs available. We are conscious of supporting responsible harvesting and processing techniques so that the best products will always be available for our patients use. Because of concerns with quality and authenticity of supplements, online purchasing can be problematic. Please call ahead to ensure the

supplement(s) you are requesting are available at the time you are planning to pick them up. Visit our Dispensary Page for more information.



Naturopathic medicine includes many aspects of conventional medicine as well as alternative medical practices. The focus of naturopathic medicine is to treat the underlying cause of illness with the use of medicines and therapies that are based in nature. Naturopathic medicine combines the science of modern chemistry with the wisdom of older healing traditions. This form of medicine can be applied in an acute situation, or as treatment for chronic conditions. Naturopathic medicine also works well with conventional medicine to support the body’s natural healing abilities.


The naturopathic doctor (ND) is a primary health care practitioner who is interested in not just treating the symptoms, but also addressing the fundamental causes of one’s illness. As with a conventional medical doctor, a naturopathic doctor is a state licensed practitioner. The naturopathic doctor can either be a specialist or generalist, and is seen for achieving maximum health or diagnosing and treating chronic and acute conditions.

A licensed naturopathic doctor attends a four-year graduate level naturopathic medical school and is educated in the same basic sciences as conventional medical doctors. In addition to the standard medical curriculum, the naturopathic doctor is required to complete training in clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine, counseling, hydrotherapy, minor office procedures and pharmacology. A naturopathic doctor must pass rigorous professional board exams in order to be licensed as a primary care general practice doctor.


Homeopathy is a profound healing practice that has been used by millions of people worldwide for more than 200 years. It uses small, safe doses of plant, mineral, or animal substances to restore balance to the body. Homeopathy recognizes that each person manifests illness in unique and different ways.

At Northern Sun we practice classical homeopathy and choose a remedy that matches a person’s particular response to illness, which includes physical, mental as well as emotional symptoms.


We use herbs as one of our primary tools to improve health and wellness. Naturopathic doctors receive training in the use of herbal medicine to treat acute and chronic conditions. Plants and herbal formulas can provide a gentle and safe alternative or complement to medications, and are the basis of many modern medicines.


Naturopathic medicine includes many aspects of conventional medicine as well as complementary medical practices. The focus of naturopathic medicine is to treat the underlying cause of illness with the use of medicines and therapies that are based in nature. Naturopathic medicine combines the science of modern chemistry with the wisdom of older healing traditions. This form of medicine can be applied in an acute situation, or as treatment for chronic diseases. Naturopathic medicine also works well in combination with conventional medicine as a support to the body’s natural healing abilities.

Why naturopathy? Because it combines the best of all types of healing methods to help you achieve wellness most effectively.


  • A naturopathic doctor (N.D.) is a primary health care practitioner who is trained in not just treating the symptoms, but also addressing the fundamental causes of one’s illness. As with a conventional medical doctor, a naturopathic doctor is a state licensed practitioner. A naturopathic doctor can either be a specialist or generalist, and is seen for achieving maximum health or diagnosing and treating chronic and acute conditions.

  • A licensed naturopathic doctor attends a four-year graduate level naturopathic medical school and is educated in the same basic sciences as conventional medical doctors. In addition to the standard medical curriculum, the naturopathic doctor is required to complete training in clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathic medicine,

    counseling, hydrotherapy, minor office procedures and pharmacology. A naturopathic doctor must pass rigorous professional board exams in order to be licensed as a primary care general practice doctor, and must complete continuing education credits each year.

  • The initial visit is 60 to 90 minutes long and includes a thorough medical history and naturopathic medical assessment. Physical examinations and laboratory testing are performed when indicated. Follow-up visits are usually 30 to 60 minutes long.

  • We provide medical care ranging from annual exams and well-child visits to treatment for acute conditions and ongoing chronic illnesses. We are focused on preventative medicine and strive to give the most complete care possible. We use a variety of laboratory testing facilities, and can collect most of the required samples in our office. In addition to testing, we have a comprehensive medicinary so we can provide supplements or a tailored tea or herbal tincture for your specific needs.

  • A number of insurance companies cover our naturopathic services, birth center and laboratory fees. Please contact your insurance provider to determine if they cover naturopathic medicine and midwifery services. We are contracted and in network with Cigna and Maine Community Health Options for naturopathic services and provide billing for these carriers. For midwifery services, we request payment at the time of service and would be happy to provide you with an invoice from our office to submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement.

  • Yes, we carry many of the supplements we prescribe and can provide you with the formulas at the time you are seen. Please call ahead to make sure we have the item you are requesting in stock. We also offer online ordering through some of the companies we use if that is more convenient for our patients. We thoroughly research and selectively choose the products, including organic and wildcrafted herbs whenever possible. The products are physician grade and of the highest quality available.

  • Yes, we encourage you to call (207) 798-3993 with any questions and our staff or doctors/midwives will be happy to help you. We also provide free consults for midwifery clients seeking care.